Told by Me, Ursula, the “sea witch”
Here is the beginning of my life.
One day a beautiful, human lady went swimming. An octopus, my father, fell in love with her so he went to the shore and took her to the bottom of the sea. He used magic to make her breathe under water. They got married (more of my father forced her to marry him or else she would be punished). One day they had a baby (ME) I am a mix of a human and an octopus smashed together. My father, as I grew up, taught me magic, good and evil. One day merman King Triton called my parents to the castle because the mer-queen died, by the people looking for my mother because, she was the princess! He killed my parents and I got so mad that I was going to use all my magic to get revenge for taking my parents. I am just going to simply return the favor. Those reporters “jazzed” it up and said I was evil and wanted the throne. I was just returning the favor and mercy the King gave me. Well that is my story of how I became”evil”. See I have a good reason to be mad. But I’m not evil just mad. Wouldn’t everyone be mad if someone killed their parents?
The King Triton had 7 daughters named Attina, Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Adella, Alana, and last but obviously not least Ariel. He loved all of them dearly especially Ariel because she looked almost identical to her mother and none of his other daughters did. Ariel was the adventurer or troublemaker, She also had the most beautiful voice, and red hair but that just reminded King Triton more of her mother. Ariel loved the shore. Her best friend was a little guppy named Flounder. The two friends explored the ocean together. They found many human treasures to store in Ariel’s grotto, but first they took them to Scuttle, the seagull to find out what they were and how humans used them. Ariel was fascinated by the human world. She loved to visit the shore and watch the humans work. She collected their lost trinkets the was amazed by what they had up there. She wished she could one day go on land. She did not understand why the human’s world was so bad even though it seemed so amazing. 

King Triton banned music from atlantica forever because the queen loved music and hearing music reminded him of her. He also banned merfolk from going to the surface, he did not want to lose anyone else the way he lost his wife. All of his daughters understood how dangerous the surface was and would not go there, except Ariel, she could not understand how such a beautiful place could be so bad. King Triton tried to make Ariel realize how bad the human world was and that she was a mermaid not a human. She belongs under the sea not above it. She continually disobeyed her father and went up to the shore, it was her passion. She loved it up there! She refused to give it up, she would be cautious, but not paranoid (like her father).
The King heard stories of Ariel’s wild human world adventures and could not believe how disobedient she was! He did not understand why she did not realize that those barbarians killed her only mother! He needed to stop her, except he did not know how. He realized telling her not to go up there did not work so he needed an new plan. He called for Sabastian, a little crab, to come help him. Trition decided to have Sabastian follow Ariel and stop her from going to the surface. He did as he was told. One day while following Ariel he found her grotto. He was shocked by all the things she had collected. He reported immediately to the king to tell him all about it. Triton was furious! He swam there and destroyed her grotto completely. Ariel could not believe how her father reacted. She was heartbroken. All that hard work collecting that stuff to get destroyed.
Now here is where I come in. I sent Flotsam and Jetsam out to go swim a few errands and they overheard Ariel crying in her grotto. They went in to see what was going on. They talked to her and told her I could help her. They brought her to me by Ariel’s choice. I only wanted to help her. Now magic does come at a cost. I agreed to help her on one condition… her voice. It’s just a token or a trifle really. She doesn’t need her voice when she has body language.
She agreed to give her voice so I did the spell, it was a simple one. She wanted legs, she was going to get legs. But you know spells don’t last forever. So, we each signed a contract saying she has three, not two, not four, three days to get the prince to kiss her not using her voice.
I took her voice and gave her the spell. I may or may not have maybe sort of sung a song as well! It was relevant! I sung for a purpose. Besides “Poor Unfortunate Souls” is My favorite! Anyways, who cares about my little song burst.
Remember when I told you I was not evil just mad? Well, don’t think I had a change of heart, (elk). I am still furious with Triton, even though it was so long ago. I forgot Ariel was his daughter. Then after she left with legs I thought she looked familiar.So, I asked Flotsam and Jetsam and they told me she was his daughter. I decided she was my in. She was how I was going to get Trition back! I found the contract and jazzed it up a bit. I added if she does not get kissed she not only gets her tail back, she also gets to be under my power. I will have control over Ariel. Of course I know Triton won’t let that be. I also made a new contract for Triton. When he sees her controlled by me he will sign over the kingdom and himself! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!
Ariel was getting to close to getting her kiss. I had to break in. Even without her voice he was still falling in love with her. (elk) They went on a boat over the lake. It was so peaceful and romantic. (eww) Ariel’s fish friends were helping her set the mood! (grrr) I sent Flotsam and Jetsam out there to ruin their little date. My plan worked, right as he leaned in for a kiss they dumped the boat! HAHA
I could tell Eric still longed for the girl with the beautiful voice who had saved his life. He was not satisfied with Ariel because she looked like the girl, but could not talk. I could tell the song Ariel had sung to him played over and over in his mind like a broken record player.
He still could not find the girl. He was starting to get satisfied with Ariel! I could not let that happen. I realized he was looking for Ariel, he found her but she had no voice which was his proof that it was her. I had her voice! I just have to give myself the spell I gave Ariel and use her voice. He will marry me and poor miss Ariel will be heartbroken. Triton will be furious when Ariel is under my control and will switch with her to let her be free. And I will rule Atlantica and Triton. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I have no idea why Ariel wants to be human so bad! There is so much you have to do. To get the attention of Eric on me, I sung with Ariel’s voice of course. He instantly came running and insisted I was the girl and that we would be married in the morning. He was falling in so fast I could not believe it! That night the maids got a dress for me.I hated dresses! (elk) I could not believe how big the castle was. I could get used to this, oh wait I don’t have to! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Now little Ariel probably didn’t know yet, so I went in her room and asked her if she liked my dress. And I explained that Eric and I were getting married in a few hours. Her eyes grew teary. She tried to tell me she could not speak but I acted as if I had no clue what she was doing. I walked away and laughed. HAHAHA
We were getting married on a cruise ship. I was down below the deck getting ready. I was so ready to be Queen. Also this was the third day Ariel would turn back and be mine today. It was 4:45, and the wedding started at 5:00. All the attendants had boarded. We were so close. I was so ready for this.
It went awful! Ariel’s animal friends ruined my fake wedding. We were just partying on the ship. I got rid of most of those scoundrels. I hope at least. The time had come. I watched Ariel closely. The sun was setting, the day was over. It happened to each of us. First Ariel turned into her mermaid self and got her voice back. Then I did. Eric rushed to Ariel. She told him she was the one. But, she was too late, she was mine. I grabbed her and jumped into the sea. Now, that’s the way to get divorced and end a party!
I swam as fast as I could with Ariel. She did not know what I was doing. I told her and showed her the contract just as Triton showed up. I showed him the contract Ariel had signed. He knew he had no choice but to trade places with Ariel and give up the kingdom. I gave him the contract and he signed. 
Finally, I was Queen. I got my revenge. I made myself huge. My revenge was not over yet. I was going to torture Ariel right infront of Triton and he can’t stop me ! She jumped up on a rock and with the Triton’s trident I zapped her. Just as her boyfriend showed up on the emptied ship. “ Oh Eric, so glad you came to join the party” I yelled. He grabbed Ariel ade put her on board. I made a huge whirlpool and swept them up. They had no choice but to jump over. Ariel helped Eric swim. They each stabbed me with ruins of the ship.
The sky was stormy. The winds blew like a tornado. We managed to go on. I got weaker each stab. I don’t know why they stabbed me. I was just returning the favor! I don’t deserve this! Finally, as you know, I was done. They won this time.
The contracts were undone and the storm stopped. I was banished to my cave forever. I did nothing wrong! I don’t understand why I was banished forever. Triton gave Ariel permanent legs unless she was visiting the ocean. Eric married Ariel and they live... Happily Ever After.
As for me though I did not have such a happy ending. I was stuck in my cave forever. I did nothing wrong though! I just wanted to get revenge on Triton for killing my parents! Okay, maybe there is a little bitterness but at least I didn’t kill him! Now I have to live apart from everyone forever. He may have won this time, but he will pay for this, someday! But for now I live...
Unhappily Ever After!
Hope you guys enjoyed! I had fun writing it! Leave me a comment telling me if I should post a post about my recent artwork! Thank you so much! See ya next post!
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