
Saturday, May 27, 2017

New Blog? and News

Hey guys it has been a while since I have posted, sorry about that. School is a handful. So I am just going to tell you what life is doing. So lets start!

I have been doing a lot more art lately and am very happy. (I never knew I could draw so well (not really)

I was also in a play, Peter Pan, at my school. I am very excited because I got a lead role this year! I was Brave Shrub of the Indian tribe.

I am also  ( I am saying also a lot sorry if it bugs you I cannot think of anything else to say) sorta starting a new chapter in my life; I am hanging out with new people. I am trying to organize my priorities a bit more. I want to do more art and writing.
On the same note; As you probably have noticed this blog is not only about american girl dolls. I want this to be random so I am going to be changing it up. I have come up with a new title and theme. I want a less complicated address and more fitting title. So now I will reveal the title.



Since I am already changing my sub-domain I decided to just change everything while i'm at it. So, I am also going to change my domain too! Although I love blogger and it is nice to have it linked to my email switching is going to be so much better. I am going to Word Press. There are so many new things I can do with it. It is going to help me so much and I'm so excited. So now I will reveal the new title and address!... The new title and address is... (drum roll please)

Beautifully Blemished!

Yes, Beautifully Blemished. I love this oxymoron I created! I have already put my first post up on my new blog so go check that out! Here is the link to my new blog!

I think that just about covers it! Thank you all for you support! This transition is going to help our family grow and thrive! I hope to see you all over on my new blog! And once again this is not the end just a relocation. I promise it will be bigger and better on Word Press. I have already had so much fun creating the new blog and cannot wait for you all to see it! Thank you all one last time!

And as always, with love, Paige!

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