
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Bucket List!

Hey guys! Today I have a different kind of post for you all. If you haven't already noticed I am posting my Summer bucket List! I have a lot of fun things I want to do this summer and I am super excited to share them with you all! So lets just get right into My 2016 Summer Bucket List!

1. Walk through a drive through. This sounds weird and fun! I just need to get one of my friends to do this with me sometime over the summer. Because believe me 1 they would LOVE it, and 2 I am not doing it alone! I don't know how our moms would think of this though... Hee...hee...hee

2. Have a bonfire at the beach with some friends. I have done this before and it is tons of fun! My friend does this for her birthday party often. Maybe I will too. I love smores to so it is a win win!

3. Make a scrapbook of memories with my friends. We are going into Junior High next year so we are going to change and I don't want to loose old memories, but I want to save new memories.

4. Finish a few chapters for my novel. Yeah I have not gotten very far. I have already started new novels before finishing my old one so I just want to power through it! If you are a writer you would understand!

5. Buy a fin fun. I know I am a bit old to have a mermaid swim suit. But lets be honest... We all want to be a mermaid. It does not matter how old anyone gets we all would be thrilled to get a mermaid tail! Its True! I know this probably wont happen because they are so expensive but I can dream! If I can't buy one for me maybe I will be able to buy one for my dolls! They are very inexpensive for the dolls but not for girls. i just cannot decide between four colors. The Tropical Sunrise, Arctic Blue, Malibu Pink, and  the Aussie Green!
real girl size Aussie green

6. Buy a Wellie Wisher. American Girl just launched a new line of dolls called Wellie Wishers. They are devoted to 5-7 year old girls. They can also be used as the younger sisters to the American Girls. So I want Camille to be the younger sister for my dolls. I think it would me tons of fun. They are only $ 60 too!

This is Camille!

7. Make a candy topped pizza. I have seen people do the pizza challenge and wondered if it would taste good with just candy on top of a pizza crust! I think it would be fun to make and delicious to eat after too!

8. Have a Disney movie marathon with some close friends. I don't remember all the movie plots and I didn't see them all so I want to watch then again. Maybe I could could get a few ides for my novels too!

9. Take my friend camping. One of my close friends has never been camping so I want to take her!

10. Do a photo shoot with my friends. This sounds like a ton of fun, and it could help me with my photography. I think all of my friends would love to have a photo shoot over the summer. We could got to the park to shoot it!

11. Have a picnic at the park with my friends. I think it would be fun to go to the park and have lunch.

12. Spend the night in a tent in my backyard with some friends. This sounds like a lot of fun. it would be like a sleepover, just outside, in a tent!

13. Have a craft marathon. I want to do tons of messy crafts in one day!

14. Breathe in helium and talk! I have always wanted to try this! It sounds funny!

15.  Babysit. I want to babysit over the summer. I am hoping I can babysit my cousins! I love them!

16. Go to a drive in movie. I remember when I was younger doing this with my family. We had a lot of fun!

17. Serve at V.B.S. I am so excited my mom signed me up to serve with my church at vacation bible school . Every other year I have gone. But this year I can work! My mom signed me up to do a craft area with her!

18. Serve as worship team for my church! I signed up last week to do worship at church. I still have to audition but I am hoping to be able to lead worship!

19. Go to AMC dine in theater to see a movie. Near my house we have an AMC movie theater and it has a dine in theater. I really want to try it out over the summer! Maybe one of my friends would too!

20. Get a free Icee from 7-eleven on July 11th. I really like Icees and I think it is cool that they are free!

This is all I can come up with for now! i probably wont be able to do all of these things over summer, but I will try! I hope you enjoyed! What are some of the things on your Summer Bucket List? Tell me in the comment section below! I can't wait to read them all! Hop you all have an amazing day!
Until I post again!

P.S: Oh yeah, I made a new summer signature! Do you like it? Tell me in the comments below!

Friday, June 24, 2016

The miracle part 4

Guess what again!
Big mama our super pastel ball python laid her eggs! She laid 8 huge eggs! Her eggs are much bigger than the corn snake eggs. They are even bigger than chicken eggs! They feel different too! they have a leather like texture!We bred her to our male pinstripe ball pythons, so we should have some gorgeous babies! I can't wait for her eggs to hatch. We sadly don't have many pictures of her because her laying story was much different than the others. We were camping the day she was supposed to lay her eggs! My dad decided to put our security camera on her instead of the door. He took her hide box too so we could watch her through the camera's app. As soon as we got there and started unpacking the trailer. She laid her eggs. We watched her lay the first one and checked back once and a while. That night when she finished she coiled around them and shook her scales to incubate them unlike the corn snakes. Our last count before she completely covered them was 7 eggs. Here is a screen shot of her and the eggs through the camera.   

When we returned home we debated the best way to pull them out. We got advice and decided just to pull her out then pull them out. Since corn snake and ball python eggs have to incubate at a different temperatures we decided to leave Coconut's eggs out and let the room incubate them. We keep the room temperature the same as the incubator should be for the eggs. In the wild corn snakes lay, then leave their eggs. We do not have a heater in the cages for the corn snakes so we keep the room the same temperature they need since they don't need as special heating and cooling as the ball pythons do . The ball pythons have a heater in their cages to keep their temperature an humidity just right. We put Big Mama's eggs in the incubator. We could have left them with her and she would incubate them herself. But it is healthier for her,  for us to pull them so she could eat sooner and get back to full health sooner. When we pulled them Big Mama was very cooperative. My dad reached in pulled her out put her in a box out of the way while we pulled the eggs out and put them in  shoe box. we had to clean the entire cage to get rid of the egg smell. If she smelt the eggs still she would either hunt for them, or incubate something that smelled like them. They are her babies so she wants to protect them. They should be hatching in August. Here is a picture of the eggs in the shoe box before they went in the incubator.

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you are interested in a baby. I will keep you updated. Thank you all!

The Miracle part three

Guess what? 
It happened! 
They hatched!
Skittles' eggs hatched! All 8 of them are happy and healthy! They are BEAUTIFUL! They hatched June 8-10 for an exact date Jun. 9.  We bred a butter motley to an albino. Here are all the pictures of them hatched. 


They are all so pretty.  So far all but three have eaten at least once. We love them all but can only keep a few. We are already seeing personalities in each snake. It is wonderful. Tell me in the comments if you would like one or want to see a better picture of a certain one. They will be for sale still in a couple of weeks. Like 2-3 is my guess. We still have to make sure each one eats a few meals and they have a couple of sheds. Thank you guys so much. Hope you enjoyed. Have a good day and see ya in my next post!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Miracle Part Two

Guess what?!?!?!

Coconut laid her eggs!


She laid on 5/4...

I kind of have been busy...

But now I am telling you!

We have been expecting them recently. She had been nesting in her moss a lot recently. We came home from school and I was busy doing homework. We had been home for a while. My mom called me up to the room. We saw her laying her eggs. It is amazing! The feeling you get when you see little creatures come into the world is an amazing feeling!
Here are some pictures of her laying one of the eggs.

Thank you so much for your support! I'm sorry this was posted so late. Hope you enjoyed reading this. We are expecting Skittle's eggs to hatch this week so if any of you want one for sure let me know. They will go fast because there aren't many so let me know so we can reserve one for you before we put them up for sale. I will email you if you let me know soon. Anyway thank you so mush and see you in my next post.